Saturday, April 13, 2013

We Dogs Love Bath Day

Today is bath day. Dogs like us love getting all clean and smelling good. Our humans make sure they really get all the dust and grime off my fur and between my paws. The only thing is that one of the lady humans sings or hums while she gives me my bath and it drives me crazy. 

The days are pretty warm now and it is really dusty all over the place. Summer is not our favorite season (I mean, Jyoti and I). We are lucky that our humans understand we need to get cool so they give us a bath at least once a week. When it gets really, really hot, they get the garden hose and get us all wet and cool. 

This morning, when I saw my human carrying my leash and a bottle of shampoo, I knew it was bath day! I ran and jumped and chased my tail. It has been a pretty itchy few days. That and the fact that we, Labradors, are just always happy -- well, at least, I am.

Jyoti after his bath
Jyoti, the Pomeranian who likes to bully me, though is another story. He makes such a big deal of bath day. He will give our humans a hard time trying to get him to wear his leash. He will hide under the bed or under the car. He growls too. But our humans are smart and they managed to get him leashed as he went out to pee. He loves being bathed and shampooed and being rubbed so I don't understand why he has to be so tough on the humans to catch him.

I get sleepy after a bath
The best part of bath day is that Jyoti and I get to feel sooooo good and sooooo relaxed that we can sleep comfortably. Sleeping after a bath can be really wonderful... Pomeranian or Labrador (or any other canine for that matter). 

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We Dogs Love Our Human Family

We love our humans. They take really good care of us and make sure that we have yummy stuff to eat and clean water to drink (and ice cream once in a while).  And they are really good scratchers and belly-rubbers. And they really know which shampoo we like best!

soft lap to nap on

getting a back-rub

sharing a cot

wanting some milk
As you can see, they are pretty nice people who love dogs. They give us all the carrots and apples we can eat, fresh milk every morning, and lots of other yummy things to eat. They even have nice beds for us to sleep in! 

Being canines is not easy. There are so many of our canine relatives who have no homes and need to beg for food from humans -- and some of those humans are not at all very nice. Would you believe there are people who tell our family to keep us leashed even inside our own home? 

We are really lucky dogs to have such a great family of humans who love us and take really good care of us. 

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